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Mergui. L’eden, nonostante tutto di Raimondo Bultrini (La

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Birmania. L’arcipelago di 800 isole, abitato da un’etnia locale, sembra resistere al turismo di massa, anche ora che i militari hanno allentato la morsa delle restrizioni. Scopriamolo insieme Qui le chiamano isole Myeik, altrove Mergui. Ma più importante del nome è il...

Sailing Among Myanmar’s Islands of Mystery By MIKI MEEK for The New York Times

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I arrived on a chaotic pier in the border town of Ranong, Thailand, feeling as if I was about to throw up as I watched three-story fishing boats chug by. I had persuaded my two younger brothers and eight girlfriends to fly across the world and pool a large chunk of money so we...

Myanmar research reveals underwater treasures by Sarah Rakowski

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Scientists returning from a marine research expedition have recorded an astonishing variety of sea life in Myanmar’s Myeik Archipelago. In just 11 days, the team recorded over 700 coral, invertebrate and fish species, including a number of unidentified specimens that may...

Entdecker gesucht! (German)

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800 Inseln, Traumstrände, Seenomaden und Dynamitfischer. Der Mergui-Archipel vor der Südküste Myanmars war jahrzehntelang von der Welt abgeschirmt. Nun wagen sich die ersten Schiffe in das amphibische Neuland. Reporter Frank Heuer (Text und Fotos) war auf Insel-Safari, an Bord...

Sea Gypsies of Myanmar

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The blue waters off the Tanintharyi coast of Southern Myanmar are home to a race of people called Salons in the Myanmar language. Also known as Moken, they are a nomadic people. They roam the seas in their fragile canoes looking for sea cucumbers, pearls and otherwise searching...